Monday, January 7, 2013

You are what you eat...or mind over matter

They say you are what you eat.  Well, then after the past couple of months I must be a sugar covered, butter filled, bread stuffed prime rib with a side of peanut brittle and soda.  My diet has been off the rails bad since Thanksgiving.  And I can feel it!  I'm lethargic, bloated, constantly hungry and just downright blah.

So, that brings me to mind over matter.  Today I am embarking on a first for me.  A 3-day cleanse.  3 days of nothing but Suero Viv cultured whey beverages and water.  No food.  And those of you that know me know I love my food.  But I'm also tired of feeling gross all the time.  And the more I talk to people and read about our food supply, increased overall illness in the population and my own smorgasboard of medications in my closet, the more I've wondered - can I clean out my body, try to eat a cleaner diet and reverse if not eliminate some of my own health problems without going on a fad diet and weighing every single thing I eat?

So I'm going to try.  That's my gift to myself for 2013.  I'm not going to diet.  I'm not going to count calories or starve myself - well except for these first 3 days.  I'm simply going to do my best to eliminate the over processed, chemical laden food and just eat cleaner.  More fruits and veggies, organic if possible.  More grass fed beef if my budget will allow.  Less things that come in boxes and have a shelf life of two years.  Those things are convenient but they cannot be healthy!  And in fact I believe they are a huge contributor to society's overwhelming health issues.

So, join me on my journey if you like.  I'll share how I'm surviving my first ever cleanse (so far so good but it's only been 2 hours).  I'll share probably more than you want to know about how I'm feeling.  I'll share my progress - hopefully all good.  And I'll share my struggles.  Everyone wants to know they are not alone in their struggles, right?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good luck. Martha and I are also working to eat more "real" food...nothing in a box. Organic if possible as well, but we hope to get rid of all the preservatives and artificial chemicals in our food. And of course eat more fruits and vegetables.
