Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Suero Viv Cleanse - Day 1 finished

Well, I did it.  I survived the first day of my cleanse.  And it wasn't horrible.  The worst time was around dinner time - I was so hungry and craving protein and fat.  A bowl of tuna with mayo and a hard boiled egg sounded like heaven to me.  Instead, while my husband was eating dinner, I shut myself in the bedroom and took a bath.  And I managed to make it through the night.

I was surprised I never had a headache...and still don't so far.  I'm a bit of a caffeine fiend so I figured for sure I would have a headache from lack of caffeine.  Maybe that will come today.  I also feel more tired today.  But I'm still hoping to power through and do this cleanse right.  No food until Thursday!

I know you're not supposed to weigh yourself every day because your weight fluctuates so much but I couldn't help myself.  I had weighed myself yesterday morning and had to again today.  And I was down 6 lbs!  No doubt.  Let's just say my kidneys work just fine - about 1,000 times yesterday.  No wonder I was down 6 lbs.  But that also tells me how much water weight I've been carrying.  And just means I need to stick to a healthier eating plan when I do finish this cleanse.

I find one thing that is helping me is to keep reminding myself of my goals.  Obviously my big goal is to improve my health.  But it's the little things like being able to take my wedding ring off so I can really clean it.  Or going to a sporting event or the theater and knowing I can sit in the seat comfortably.  Or feeling confident that I won't need a seat belt extender on the airplane.   The little things like that are what I keep reciting to myself to get through the day.

So we're off and running on Day 2.  I need to stay focused on some projects and my goals and hopefully I can finish this day without cheating.  Everyone in the Facebook support group I'm in says you feel like a new person on Day 3.  I'm counting on it!


  1. Success! Remember your secret weapon today if you have a moment of weakness. ;)

  2. Congratulations on the Day...keep up the good work!!! I read a book recently that said when I feel tempted to cheat, don't say to yourself, its only or cookie or whatever...instead say, am I willing to pay the consequences for the long term of eating this way? It has helped me stay focused.
