Friday, January 11, 2013

Tonight's temptation brought to you by Miller Lite

I've been pretty please with myself this week.  I came off the cleanse yesterday eating eggs, soup, organic applesauce and did pretty well.  Some digestive issues but I'll spare the details.

Today again, eggs for breakfast, some avocado, some pineapple and grated cheese.

Then it was time to go bowling.  I think as someone trying to eat healthy, I imagine going to the bowling alley is like a former smoker going to a bar.  Temptation everywhere.  But I was surprised at what I was tempted by tonight.

I had been psyching myself up all day that I wasn't going to be tempted by the burgers and fries or the pizza.  And I wasn't.  I ordered a chicken sandwich with broccoli instead of fries.  Unsweet iced tea.  But one look at the pitcher of beer at the next table and I was craving a beer in the worst way!  I couldn't believe how good a nice cold beer sounded.  But Darin reminded me that beer is empty carb calories..."toxic" for my newly cleansed system.  So I pushed through I soon I forgot all about that beer.    That beautiful pitcher of cold Miller Lite....hey, I'll take all the small victories I can get!

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