Thursday, December 20, 2012

Which path do I take?

The older I get the less I know where I'm headed.  I find myself asking a lot of "what ifs".  What if I'd made different choices when going to college.  What if I'd pushed myself a little further to be more successful at this or that.  What if, what if, what if.  But, you can't go back.  So I must push forward and try to do things trusting in my decisions.

One path that I struggle with is my health.  I have polycystic ovarian syndrome and hypothyroidism.  Both metabolic disorders which make it difficult to lose weight.  I have a strong family history of heart disease, with my dad passing at the ripe young age of 57.  So my borderline blood pressure and cholesterol are a concern.  All of these things are currently being controlled with medication.  My husband has his share of health issues and medications as well.  We both find ourselves asking each other, why so many medications.  Is this helping or hurting?  Don't get me wrong, we cannot blame our health issues solely on those things.  We don't always eat right and we don't always get a lot of exercise.  I have the added disadvantage of a severely week achilles tendon so I am not allowed to do any form of exercise that involves running or jumping.  So the issues pile up and pile up.

I find myself circling back around to environment and foods.  How can all of the preservatives and artificial everything in our food possibly be good for us?  Is there a reason society in general is becoming more and more unhealthy?  I believe there is!

When we first moved to Tampa I called a hair salon who's coupon I received in a neighborhood welcome packet.  I figured I needed to start somewhere.  Turns out, I found someone who not only excels at her job, but is passionate about organic everything.  She uses all organic hair color and hair products - which she got into because of severe eczema she experienced while working in her industry. Not only did switching to organic hair products correct her skin problem, it changed her way of life.  I know it's changed my hair.  Since going to her salon, I use organic hair products to protect my organic hair color and my hair has never been healthier.  I never thought my baby fine, thin, naturally curly hair could ever be longer than shoulder length because it would start to look stringy.  My hair is well past my shoulders, still holding a curl and never stringy.  Coincidence?  I believe I owe it all to the clean hair color and products I've been using for the last 4 years.

So in 2013 I'm committed to doing what I can to move my diet in that direction.  Realistically and financially, I cannot say I'm going to be 100% organic beginning January 1st.  Sadly, truly clean, organic foods are not cheap.  But, I am going to make the changes I can make.

So, follow me on my journey as I attempt to clean my body, and improve my health by embarking on the path to more all natural, organic foods and products.  Maybe I can help you choose a different path too!

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