Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Epiphanies and "No Duh" Moments

First the good news...I returned from Colorado having gained back 6 pounds of the 16 I had originally lost.  I'm happy to report this past week I lost those 6 pounds plus an extra for good measure.  So, since my 3 day cleanse Jan 8-10, I have lost 17 pounds.

I am continually amazed at overall, how little I crave the things I used to love.  I definitely have my days when the sugar demon rears its head, but I have found if I chew a piece of sugarless gum, or have a cup of coffee with cream I can avoid the temptation to run for the nearest bag of chocolate or pray for Dairy Queen to appear at my door.

I did have an epiphany earlier this week...or maybe it was just a "no duh" moment.  But I realized that since I started eating better I'm not snacking as much during the day.  So obviously the better quality food I'm giving my body is helping me to not need the extra calories in the afternoon.  Don't get me wrong, I still occasionally want to reach for that bag of chips or the piece of chocolate.  But not nearly as often.

Last night my epiphany was that fresh organic pineapple makes just as good of a dessert as ice cream.  I used to eat ice cream almost every evening.  It's one of the things I thought I would crave the worst, next to soda.  But if it isn't in the freezer you can't eat it.  So last night I told my husband we needed to eat the pineapple we bought on Saturday before it got too ripe.  It was SO good!  A perfect dessert!  Who knew?

So I encourage you to rid your house of your favorite snack food or dessert and replace it with a fresh fruit, veggie or nut.  You might be surprised to find you are equally satisfied with the new food and will even need less of it since your body can put it to better use than those refined sugars and processed foods!

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