Thursday, April 3, 2014

Back to Basics

I'm terrible at follow through.  At least with some things.  My diet is one of them.  I have the best intentions and will even be successful for short periods of time.  And then life happens and I get off the course so I take the easy path;  the path of least resistance;  the path of just eating whatever I want whenever I want it.  Then my pants start to fit tight.  And I'm tired.  And I have no motivation.  And I wonder why.

Well, lately my GI system has been acting up again.  I just never feel 100%.  So it dawned on me, get back on track.  Get back to basics.

So I am keeping track of everything I eat.  I'm measuring to make sure my portion sizes are what they are supposed to be.  I'm making notes of things that seem to irritate my stomach (sadly, dark chocolate is one of them).    I'm only 3 days in and I've noticed that the aforementioned dark chocolate, and too much dairy seem to be big culprits.  I love chocolate and dairy.  Oh well.

I've also been forcing myself to do some form of stretching routine or yoga every day - even if only for 15 minutes.  My back just aches.  Always.  That ache has definitely improved with just keeping my body loose.

So if I can sense some improvement after just 3 days, why can't I keep on this path?  Because life happens.  Because I bowl 2-3 days a week and their food offerings are far from the healthiest choices.  Because we go to hockey games and Disney World and places where the bad stuff is just too available and too tempting.  Because we travel and I don't have 100% control over how my food is prepared or what is available.  But I try not to beat myself up.  I'm at my worst when I'm too limiting on myself.   As soon as I say to myself "you can't have _____", it's all I think about.   I just have to get back to basics.   Journaling and exercise are helping keep me centered.  I hope I can keep myself centered on the right path.

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