Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Suero Viv Cleanse - take 2

So my husband was so impressed with my results after my cleanse in January he decided he wanted to try it as well.  I told him I would do it with him for moral support - because I know it's hard enough without people eating around you.  So here we go....Day 1.

It wasn't my original intention to do a cleanse again so soon.  However, I had been slipping in my habits, a few pounds had crept back on and I noticed I was starting to feel more lethargic.  So I figure now is as good a time as any to nip those bad habits before I completely slip back into them forever.  I'm hoping this cleanse will be a little easier for me than the first one.

We spent the last two days at Walt Disney World and really didn't take a lot of care about what we ate. I did notice, however, that sweets are far more sweeter than they used to be.  Before my first cleanse, I could have eaten a chocolate covered rice krispie treat and not thought twice about it.  This time, I could only eat a couple of bites and it was SO sweet!  I hadn't let myself get back to eating sweets and I have still been free of soda since my first cleanse so obviously my body is not craving the sugar like it used to.  A very good thing.  That alone should make this cleanse easier!

So, here's to three days of nothing but Suero Viv beverages and water.  Seems a bit like deja vu....

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